Poster-Mockup kobaltblau Brand Refresh

kobaltblau Brand Refresh

kobaltblau Management Consultants is a management consultancy with strong technology expertise and several locations in Germany and one location in Austria. Under the motto “We shape change”, kobaltblau supports change projects in order to achieve the best possible value contribution from IT for the business. In doing so, the company looks at the organizational, operational and technological challenges of its customers from a C-level perspective.

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The process began with a brand workshop, which included a brand competition and market analysis as well as a brand design analysis. A communication strategy framework was then created. Using the brand key model, the team developed messages based on the underlying strategy. This was followed by the development of brand components such as the logo, typography and color palettes. These components were defined through exemplary applications for digital and print media and documented in a brand manual that contained details on color usage and dimensions.

Corporate Font kobaltblau Brand Refresh
Corporate Imagery kobaltblau Brand Refresh
Icons kobaltblau Brand Refresh
Bildmarke kobaltblau Brand Refresh

Finally, we advised on the implementation of the web design and created templates for PowerPoint. The client's entire management team was prepared for the new corporate design in an online meeting and the employees were trained in the use of the new presentation master and slide library in two webinars.

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Business Card kobaltblau Brand Refresh
LinkedIn Post
Folienbibliothek kobaltblau Brand Refresh

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